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顯示具有 農曆新年 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2022年1月31日 星期一

[節日]2022.2.1農曆新年放煙火 有虎頭彩蛋形狀




[關鍵字]過年春節除夕新春年節 year of the tiger

[怎麼了] 點擊logo 老虎會搖首擺尾,賞花玩風車, 輸入關鍵字後, 螢幕放煙火,還會出現亮麗的虎頭彩蛋煙火哦

來自Google doodle的介紹:

With radiant lanterns, traditional foods, and an air of anticipation for what’s to come, today’s Doodle welcomes the Year of the Tiger on the first day of the Lunar New Year. In contrast to festivities tied to the solar Gregorian calendar, people around the world align their new year’s celebrations based on the ancient lunisolar Chinese calendar system, which follows the cycles of the moon and sun.  

A new year symbolizes a fresh start and many traditions capture this concept. Preparations begin ten days before the lunar new year with many  cleaning their homes as a way to clear out bad luck from the previous year. Traditional foods that represent good fortune such as fish (abundance) and mandarin oranges (auspiciousness) are prepared. Families decorate their homes with flowers such as peach blossoms; red lanterns; fai chun (red banners with phrases that wish people luck and prosperity); and exchange lai see (red envelopes filled with money). 

Happy Lunar New Year! 

💟貼春聯的英文怎麼說 ->路一絲零基礎落英文podcast有講到

隨著亮麗燈籠登場,傳統食物上桌,一陣陣期待過年的氛圍襲來~是的,年節要到了, (r編:Г沒有每天在過年的啦」,這句話就可以看出年節假期在人們心中的份量). 今日google doodle系列要推出的是迎接虎年的第一天.不像是固定的日期,農曆年是看陰曆(循著日月圓缺週期)日期來決定何時過年.

新年象徵著一年的新開始,許多傳統都遵照這個象徵展開,年前的10天許多人就開始打掃家裡,把一年的穢氣一掃而空. 也準備傳統食物像是魚(同音餘=富足),橘子桔子(同音吉=吉祥)等等. 人們用鮮花,桃花,紅燈籠,來佈置家裡,'揮春' fai chun(廣東話)寫春聯的意思,以及發'利是'lai see(廣東話)都是重要象徵指標性的年節活動.


Google 慶新年!搜尋 5 組關鍵字藏超可愛「虎年彩蛋」
記者實測,透過 Google 搜尋「過年」、「春節」、「除夕」、「新春」、「年節」等關鍵字,畫面會開始放煙火,綻放可愛的虎年圖樣,相當有年節氛圍。比較可惜的是,輸入「虎年」不會觸發,得用英文的「Year of the Tiger」才會啟動彩蛋。

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